43: Dream to Nightmare 2: Urtheart's Dream #9 - The Real Antagonist
42: Dream to Nightmare 2: Urtheart's Dream #8 - Bman's Finest Hour
41: Dream to Nightmare 2: Urtheart's Dream #7 - A Sudden Memory
40: Dream to Nightmare 2: Urtheart's Dream #6 - Confrontation!
39: Urtheart's Dream #5 Gone gheyin'
38: Dream to Nightmare 2: Urtheart's Dream #4 - Sky Omelettes
37: The Possible Explanations of Bman's Madness Part 1: Team Sexualness 2
36: Dream to Nightmare 2: Urtheart's Dream #3 - That's not sexual...
35: Dream to Nightmare 2: Urtheart's Dream #2 - A Dangerous Mind
34: Dream to Nightmare 2: Urtheart's Dream #1 - Vger's Awakening
33: Dream to Nightmare 2: Urtheart's Dream - Project T-84575
32: What happens when you mix Nemain and Black Ops Zombie mode...
31: Rudolph the red nosed PINGAS
30: DtN: Vger's Dream #16 - A not-so-final goodbye?
29: DtN: Vger's Dream #15 - Vger plays his trump card...
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27: DtN: Vger's Dream #14 - Enter the Werebird!
26: DtN: Vger's Dream #13 - Two sides to every power...
25: DtN: Vger's Dream #12 - The Confrontation!
24: DtN: Vger's Dream #11 - Hostage?
23: DtN: Vger's Dream #10 - The Aftermath
22: DtN: Vger's Dream #9 - Bulgarian Air Bags
21: DtN: Vger's Dream #8 - Urtheart the Resourceful
20: DtN: Vger's Dream #7 - First Blood... TSS!
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14: DtN: Vger's Dream #1 - If you could have one dream...
13: Dream to Nightmare: Vger's Dream - TSS vs EC
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The Takeover Part 1: Good crewmembers are hard to find...
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Author's Comment
Akhmin and Urth don't exactly get off to a good start. Part 1 of... 5, I think.
Uploaded by nemain at 18:57 on 18 July